A. Ovadia, U. Zilberman
Scientific Archives of Dental Sciences. 2020; 3.4:28-32
OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to evaluate in vitro the use of SAF system in root canals of deciduous teeth in comparison with K-files, and to compare in vivo the clinical results.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In vitro - Root canals of eight deciduous incisors were prepared using K-files and SAF system and obstructed with iodoform paste. The roots were sliced horizontally and observed under light microscope. In vivo - Root canals of two deciduous mandibular second molars were treated in a young girl using K-files or SAF system.
RESULTS: In vitro - The K-files reshaped the original contour or the canals to oval and caused dentinal cracks. The SAF system retainedoriginal contour of the canals and no dentinal cracks were observed. The iodoform based paste penetrated the dentin tubuli, deeper when the SAF system was used. In vivo - The clinical case showed that the result of pulpectomy in deciduous molar using of the SAFsystem was similar to the result obtained with K-files.
CONCLUSION: Clinically the use of SAF in deciduous teeth can prevent cracks in the dentin and retain the original thickness of the dentin walls.
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