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Incidence and Severity of Postoperative Pain After Canal Instrumentation with Reciprocating System, Continuous Rotary Single File System, Versus SAF System

N. Jain, A.M. Pawar, M. Naganath, A. Gupta, H. Daryani

ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today. 2016; 10(3):153-160.


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the incidence and severity of postoperative pain and analgesics intake after root canal treatment of molars using single file systems: WaveOne (WO; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and One Shape (OS; Micro Méga, Besançon, France) versus the Self Adjusting File (SAF; ReDentNova, Ra'anana, Israel).

METHODS: One hundred and forty-one patients with vital molars indicating for conventional singlevisit root canal treatment were randomly assigned to one of three groups (n = 47) according to the instrumentation system used: WaveOne, One Shape and SAF. Participants were asked to rate the intensity of postoperative pain on a Functional Pain Scale and to record the quantity of prescribed analgesic medication taken after 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 7 days. Data were statistically analysed using SPSS software (version 20; Chicago, Illinois, USA). Intergroup analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis, followed by Mann-Whitney U tests for intragroup comparison. The Friedman test was applied for comparison between different time intervals. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05.

RESULTS: Patients treated with the SAF system were associated with significantly less postoperative pain and lower analgesic intake compared to the other two groups at the four timepoints assessed.

CONCLUSION: The SAF system caused less postoperative pain and lower intake of analgesic medication at the timepoints assessed. 


The full article is available for free on Researchgate.

jain post operative pain saf waveone oneshape 

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