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Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor with Dilacerated Crown and Root and C-shaped Root Canal

V. Allwani, M. Pawar, A. Pawar, S. Abrar, S. Ambhore

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017;11:ZD03-ZD05



Dilaceration is a rare disturbance in traumatised permanent teeth, which constitutes about 3% of the injuries to developing teeth. It usually occurs as a result of trauma to the deciduous predecessors and results in non axial displacement of the already formed hard tissue portion of the developing crown. Endodontic treatment of such teeth presents a challenge to clinicians, and careful management is required to successfully address the root canal anatomy and other possible variations. The C-shaped canal configuration is most frequently seen in mandibular second molars, but this variation may also occur in mandibular first molars, mandibular third molars, maxillary molars, mandibular first premolars, and even in maxillary lateral incisors, with rare reports of such variations occurring in the maxillary central incisors. Diagnosis, endodontic access cavity preparation, root canal preparation and filling might be complicated by the presence of dilacerations and C-shaped canals. This paper is an attempt to provide details of an unusual case of crown and root dilacerations and a C-shaped canal in the maxillary central incisor, successfully managed by using Self-Adjusting File (SAF) system. Dilaceration is a rare disturbance in traumatised permanent teeth, which constitutes about 3% of the injuries to developing teeth. It usually occurs as a result of trauma to the deciduous predecessors and results in non axial displacement of the already formed hard tissue portion of the developing crown. Endodontic treatment of such teeth presents a challenge to clinicians, and careful management is required to successfully address the root canal anatomy and other possible variations. The C-shaped canal configuration is most frequently seen in mandibular second molars, but this variation may also occur in mandibular first molars, mandibular third molars, maxillary molars, mandibular first premolars, and even in maxillary lateral incisors, with rare reports of such variations occurring in the maxillary central incisors. Diagnosis, endodontic access cavity preparation, root canal preparation and filling might be complicated by the presence of dilacerations and C-shaped canals. This paper is an attempt to provide details of an unusual case of crown and root dilacerations and a C-shaped canal in the maxillary central incisor, successfully managed by using Self-Adjusting File (SAF) system. 
Permanent maxillary central incisor with dilacerated crown and root and C-shaped root canal.


The full article is available for free on ResearchGate:

pawar case 2017 jcd



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