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Root Canal Preparation of Maxillary Molars with the Self-adjusting File: A Micro-computed Tomography Study

O. A. Peters, and F. Paqué

Journal of Endodontics. 2011 January; 37:53-7.


INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to describe the canal shaping properties of a novel nickel-titanium instrument, the self-adjusting file (SAF), in maxillary molars.

METHODS: Twenty maxillary molars were scanned by using micro–computed tomography at 20μm resolution. Canals were shaped with the SAF, which was operated with continuous irrigation in a handpiece that provided an in-and-out vibrating movement. Changes in canal volumes, surface areas, and cross-sectional geometry were compared with preoperative values. Canal transportation and the fraction of unprepared canal surface area were also determined. Data were normally distributed and compared by analyses of variance.

RESULTS: Preoperatively, mean canal volumes were 2.88 ± 1.32, 1.50 ± 0.99, and 4.30 ± 1.89 mm3 for mesiobuccal (MB), distobuccal (DB), and palatal (P) canals, respectively; these values were statistically similar to earlier studies with the same protocol. Volumes and surface areas increased significantly in MB, DB, and P canals; mean canal transportation scores in the apical and middle root canal thirds ranged between 31 and 89 mm. Mean unprepared surfaces were 25.8% ± 12.4%, 22.1% ± 12.0%, and 25.2% ± 11.3% in MB, DB, and P canals, respectively (P >0.05) when assessed at high resolution.

CONCLUSIONS: By using SAF instruments in vitro, canals in maxillary molars were homogenously and circumferentially prepared with little canal transportation.


The full article is available online: EndoExperience

Peters Paque microCT 2011


View abstract on PubMed. PMID: 21146077
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